Healing Pathway First
Resources for wholeness in this time of uncertainty
“Prayer is the act of sending ... light from the bountifulness of your love
to other people to heal, free, and bless them”
John O'Donohue "Anam Cara"

Healing Pathway at First United
• We continue to support the community by offering distance healing and prayer.
• We will regularly post meditations and reflections to support your mind/body
/spirit as we live through these uncertain times. We invite you to experience them so that you can connect with the Divine and to your deepest, truest self. We know that this nourishes us body/mind/and spirit. Helps to support our immune system as we release stress, and deepens our awareness and our resiliency in these times
• We can choose to use this time of distancing to create new ways of connecting.
We can choose to be pro-active in nurturing our spirits, and connecting with the Divine through meditation, prayer, long walks, reaching out to others, especially those who are vulnerable and isolated.
• We will also share some websites that we've found to be life-giving, some
reflections and postings that we've found inspiring and maybe even some humour.
• We'd welcome your contributions as well. We're all in this together.
In other times
you will find us at
First United Church Ottawa, Ontario
347 Richmond Road
Healing Pathway sessions are normally held on Tuesdays.