Meditations For Healing, Wholeness,and Balance
In this time of fear and anxiety, it is important to connect with our resilience, and of the power of Sacred connection. We need to care for ourselves body, mind and spirit so that we can care for others. These meditations will help us connect to our deepest, truest selves where we are connected with the Divine.
We will regularly share meditations on this site and we invite you to experience them and share them.
MEDITATIONS (click on the title you wish to access)
Bathing in the Healing Light of Christ
A meditation that invites new possibilities in the light of Christ's love . Meditation connects us to the dream of wholeness and healing that is always there for us to access. ... CLICK HERE
I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches
This meditation uses the metaphor of a grapevine and is based on John 15:1-5. It opens us to be cared for by the gardener who always desires our highest good. Enjoy ... CLICK HERE
This meditation uses the metaphor of a river to reflect on the flow of the life of the Spirit, (living water), in you, For your relaxation and reflection. Enjoy ... CLICK HERE
The Parable of the Growing Seed
Through the metaphor of the growing seed Jesus invites us to reflect on our spiritual growth
and awakening to what we have been created to be. CLICK HERE
Each Sunday at 12:45 EDT the Healing Pathway team at First United will offer a distance energy healing session to anyone who sets their intention to receive at that time. Click on this link to get the information about this time of group distance healing. CLICK HERE
The accompanying video (CLICK HERE) can either be used to help you settle in to this time, or as a stand-alone meditation. Welcome to First United Church!
This meditation invites us to a healing journey of self-love and reconciliation. It is a meditation I did for years every day. Enjoy, and open to the Healing Spirit. CLICK HERE
This meditation invites us to connect with the profound life force in creation, and to listen for the wisdom of the Spirit as we reflect on the seasons of our lives. CLICK HERE
Allow yourself to experience the invitation to deep peace in the middle of whatever "storms" you are living through. CLICK HERE
Meditation for Strength in the Struggle
This meditation allows us to bathe ourselves in sacred, healing light and unconditional love before offering our healing blessing in a ripple out to those we love, and to our hurting world. It invites us to keep a strong compassionate heart for ourselves and for those beyond us. CLICK HERE
This meditation, based on imagery from Isaiah, comes from RETURNING TO THE HEALING OASIS. It invites us to allow Divine Love and Compassion to hold us, to support us, to soothe and strengthen us. As we allow ourselves to rest in God, we can let anxiety, fear, worry fall away. Meditation relaxes our mind, body, and spirit and connects us to Sacred Source. CLICK HERE
This meditation from Sharon Moon's book RETURNING TO THE HEALING OASIS invites us to move deeper and deeper into sacred center and to connect with the Heart of Divine Love. For those who have difficulty praying, in very traditional way, to an "out there" God, meditation offers a way to experience and to bathe in Sacred Source "in whom we live and move and have our being". CLICK HERE
Healing Pathway works to restore balance in the energy field so that as the energy is flowing freely, healing on all levels, mind, body and spirit is possible. While we are unable to offer you "hands on" healing pathway sessions at this point, you can do this full body balance on yourself as a way of supporting your system and connecting with the flow of healing energy within and around you. Do it daily. I think you will find it will make a difference to your health and well-being. CLICK HERE
This meditation from Sharon Moon's book HEALING OASIS invites us to relax fully, to enter sacred space, to experience ourselves as the Temple of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). As we are grounded in that healing sacred centre within, we can listen for what the Spirit would want to offer us at this time. CLICK HERE
Tapping Meditations from the Tapping Solution
These meditations use tapping in the meridians (the energy delivery system of the body) and have helped many deal with fear, anxiety, and other issues. At first you may feel silly doing the tapping on the various points, but there has been a great deal of research done that shows it to be an effective way of releasing and restoring balance. CLICK HERE