Some websites our practitioners have found helpful.
Tara Brach, well-known Buddhist mindfulness teacher has created a wonderful offering of Pandemic Care Resources click here
Diane Strickland Discusses Things That Matter
Things That Matter is a YouTube channel worth checking out. There you will find videos, which provide education and practical support during the pandemic for church leaders and congregants. These helpful videos were created by our own Diane Strickland, who spends part of her year in her home north of Brockville. Rev Strickland is a Community and Workplace Traumatologist, Compassion Fatigue Specialist-Therapist, Critical Incident Responder and has been ordained now for 32 years. Rev Strickland.says, “It has been a privilege for me to create and offer these resources freely to my church and the wider community.”
Daily Good puts good news into your e-mailbox that reminds us of kindness, gratitude, and the goodness of people. It’s a good antidote to all the bad news on TV. Click here
Centre for Action and Contemplation: Richard Rohr is a Fransciscan theologian who puts out a daily spiritual reflection that has been life-changing for many who are caught In old ways of understanding God, Jesus, and the bible. It is very liberating for many. Click here
Sounds True is a wonderful site with an archive of great podcasts. They also have prepared what looks like a good resource called Resilience in Challenging Times. Click here
The Tapping Solution. Some are familiar with tapping on meridian points as a way of releasing stress, fear, anxiety, pain, and restoring flow and groundedness in the body. On the Tapping Solution website you can find lots more about tapping. There are also 11 free meditations called free Coronavirus Stress and Anxiety collection. Click here
coursera.org Food for the mind: A friend just introduced me to this great resource for free courses from some of the best universities. Everything from maths and science to creative writing, history, photography, guitar for beginners. Time to learn something new!
Khanacademy.org Home with the kids going crazy? Here are classrooms for all ages from kindergarten to university. A fantastic resource to use screen time for learning.
The Abbey of the Arts. One of our practitioners loves this site with its Holy Disorder of Dancing Monks Click here
Six Habits of Hope Excerpted from Intrinsic Hope: Living Courageously in Troubled Times by Kate Davies, New Society Publishers April 2018 click here
Resources for Coping from Dima Dupéré click here
Resources for Qigong exercises: https://secure.holdenqigong.com/immunity-emergency-kit/
Navigating Trauma in Uncertain Times